




Ambrosia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Today I have my first group interview in Sydney, Its a internship position which is working for Fedral Court ....em, it sounds pretty good and beautiful, even its an unpaid job, I still feel likeit could provide candidate with great benefits.so, applying for the job did took me alot of time, around one and half days.

cos its requires  mulitple roles, the job ad acturally asked every applicant to hand in statement to demostrate  core competences which might be important to the job.I think its usful way to practice ur writing skill and marketing ur self technics. U could say any to illustrate that u have got such abilities in the work place.therefore, I was the experienced staff who is perfect in every aspects even doing the volunter jobs. 

I made up the working experience unintentionly coz acturally Im a bit nervous when Im saying about the job duty I havent got. Hence, I edited working experience to 4 month, when they aking me ,I could say its a training that i paid for it to internship in the training company.anyway, the latter wont gave me too much pressure on the resume.BUT......I was sending the worng one the interviewer which has one-year experience as accounts clerk.ha, maybe because that, I got the chance of interview, Kind of lucky~

when I received the phone call , Im soooo exciting about it ~~Then, i feel like oh my god,one day time is not enough for preparetion.anyway, it doesnt matter whether I get the job finally, this job deserves well preparetion . I have done the research on principal registry and checked the annual report of Fed Court 2008/2009( In fact, the annual is really really useful when gathering information about a company) .It mentioned lots of things about International Programe.

the other thing I have done before interview is practicing my MYOB skill, at least it makes people feels like u did worked for a company in the past.I havnt reviewed all the related skill since all the training lecture was finished, while I found it is very time comsuming when u repeat the operation again and again.at last, Only Accounts Payable part was fully review, other parts I just skim a little bit.Im regret why am I not starting reviewing earlier, or I will feel more confidence now.

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  一、全心投入工作(work harder at what you do):当你工作时,一定要全心投入,不要浪费时间,不要把工作场所当成社交场合。光这个秘诀,如果你能长期实践,就能使你的生产力加倍。

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我问他:Have u got Flybuys(我们店的会员卡)?

SB曰:I dont have Flybuys,I have got brain.

他以为我听不懂他说的slang,还在那边恶心的笑,最后还撇了一句:U r fool.


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  • Jan 01 Fri 2010 19:00






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纠结啊,伦家毕竟不是柏邦妮,一天update 5篇还篇篇精彩,文笔出众。小老百姓还是怪怪的蹲在这边脚踏实地点吧~~



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